Aviation Interpersonal Management (AIM)

Aviation Interpersonal Management (AIM) is the definitive business aviation industry standard in preparing leaders for success. Aviation personnel requires skill and knowledge in managing people and projects, finance, legal issues, communication, and many other business responsibilities. This AIM course will provide the knowledge and techniques necessary to become an excellent aviation leader and manager. It is an introductory course for current managers, supervisors, technicians, and other career-minded aviation personnel.

AIM skill-building areas include:

  • Image and Perception
  • Success
  • Management Defined
  • Building Self-Esteem
  • Delegation
  • Time Management & Organizational Skills
  • Communication
  • Motivation
  • Building Teamwork
  • Life Style Inventory (LSI 1)
  • Dealing with Conflict
  • Negotiation
  • Leadership and Management
  • Finance and Budget
  • Hiring
  • Performance Evaluations
  • Discipline
  • Managing Your Boss
  • Superior Customer Service

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