CAE Dothan Training Center

The CAE Dothan Training Center is a 79,000 square-foot training facility providing live, virtual, and constructive training to the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and other customers. The Training Center is located at the Dothan Regional Airport in Dothan, Alabama and is home to the U.S. Army Fixed-Wing Flight Training Service and the U.S. Air Force Rotary-Wing, Introductory Flight Training (IFT-R). CAE with a team of industry partners use the Dothan Training Center to provide the Department of Defense with comprehensive initial and recurrent training for more than 800 U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force pilots annually. 

Our Customers

The primary customers at the CAE Dothan Training Center are the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force. Under the Fixed-Wing Flight Training Service program, CAE is responsible for providing all the required training for U.S. Army rotary-wing aviators transitioning to fly the Army’s fleet of more than 350 fixed-wing aircraft.  

The Fixed-Wing Flight Training Service program serves as the Initial Qualification and Recurrent Training unit for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force C-12 Huron and other variants of the King Air aircraft such as the RC-12. The U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) train UC-12 aircrews at the CAE Dothan Training Center. Five and three-day C-12 (King Air 200) recurrent and refresher training courses are available at the Tranng Center as well as a three-day Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) course offered in partnership with Aviation Performance Solutions (APS). The UPRT course includes live-flying training in CAE-owned and operated Grob G120TP aircraft. 

Established in 2023, the U.S. Air Force Introductory Flight Training – Rotary-Wing (IFT-R) program supports the Airman Development Command providing critical flight training to U.S. Air Force student pilots as part of the Helicopter Training Next program. IFT-R is the initial entry point for U.S. Air Force military Rotary-Wing pilots and provides air, ground, and simulation training for up to 100 students annually in the Bell-505 Jet Ranger X training aircraft. 

Training Environment

Academic / Classroom Training

Simulator / Training Devices

Live Flying Training

Training Environment
  • Aircraft systems;
  • Flight regulations;
  • Instrument flying;
  • Flight planning;
  • Upset prevention and recovery;
  • Weather, and more

Classrooms, Simulators and Training devices

The Dothan Training Center houses state-of-the-art classrooms as well as an impressive suite of synthetic training equipment.

Academic/Classroom Training

CAE's Dothan Training Center's state-of-art classrooms provide a professional environment for academic learning.  Courses include:

  • Aircraft systems;
  • Flight regulations;
  • Instrument flying;
  • Navigation;
  • Flight planning;
  • Upset prevention and recovery;
  • Weather, and more.

Procedural and Familiarization Training

CAE's Dothan Training Center houses an impressive suite of synthetic training equipment that provides a safe and cost-effective environment for pilot training. A range of desktop trainers, CAE Simfinity integrated procedures trainers and flight training devices (FTDs) help provide the required procedural and familiarization training required by fixed-wing aviators.

Full-Flight Simulators

CAE's Dothan Training Center houses four CAE 7000XR Series C-12 Huron full-flight simulators (FFSs), two of which are equipped with CAE's revolutionary roll-on/roll-off cockpit design allowing cockpits representing different configurations of the C-12 aircraft to be used in the simulator. When two of the cockpits are installed on the full-flight simulator mothership, the other two can be connected to a docking station and be used as Level 6-equivalent flight training devices. The CAE-built full-flight simulators at the Dothan Training Center are Level D-equivalent by the Federal Aviation Administration - the highest qualification for flight simulators. The CAE Dothan Training Center also includes two Grob G120TP flight training devices, one of which is an FAA Level 6-equivalent FTD.

Live Flying Training 

The comprehensive Army Fixed-Wing Flight Training program features live flying training provided by CAE and its team of subcontractors. CAE is using company-owned Grob G120TP aircraft for a variety of live flight training, including Upset Prevention and Recovery Training jointly provided by CAE and Aviation Performance Solutions (APS). In addition, a fleet of C-12U Huron aircraft owned and maintained by the U.S. Army is operated by CAE instructors to deliver live flying C-12 Huron training.

Our Courses

  • C-12 Recurrent Course (3 days);
  • C-12 Recurrent Course (5 days);
  • Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) (3 days);
  • C-12 Aviator Qualification Course;
  • C-12 Instructor Pilot Course;
  • C-12 Aviator Refresher Course;
  • Initial Entry Fixed- Wing C-12 Track Course;
  • U.S. Air Force C-12 Aviator Qualification Course;
  • U.S. Air Force C-12 Instructor Pilot Course;
  • U.S. Air Force C-12 Aviator Refresher Course.
  • C-12 Huron by Beechcraft
  • Grob G120TP by Grob Aircraft
  • CAE 7000XR full-flight simulators
  • CAE full-flight simulators featuring roll-on/roll-off (RO/RO) cockpits
  • Grob G120TP flight training devices
  • CAE Simfinity integrated procedures trainers


CAE Dothan Training Center
391 Art Morris Drive
Dothan, AL 36303

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