Fuselage trainers (Loadmaster)

Fuselage Trainers (Loadmaster)

Loadmasters are responsible for the supervision of a wide assortment of cargo being loaded and off-loaded from an aircraft.  Deployed frequently in all areas of the world on military, humanitarian, disaster relief, medevac or air drop missions, their cargo can range from troop transportation, medical supplies and food to large equipment such as tanks and helicopters. CAE’s loadmaster trainers are specifically designed to address the training needs and challenges facing a loadmaster through the use simulation-based training.

Loadmaster Positioned within the Full-Mission Simulator

At CAE, we have developed training solutions where the loadmaster can be positioned in the full-mission simulator (FMS) to allow the loadmaster to train on coordinated aerial deliveries with the aircrew. Areas of the aircraft are represented virtually on a virtual cargo compartment and the visual awareness recognition screen (VARS) provides a visual display of the loads in the cargo area via an LCD display. The loadmaster can see the ramp doors opening and closing, the loaded cargo, and the deployment of the cargo. The FMS contains software models of the cargo such that the loads are simulated once deployed and the load ballistic models land them at the correct locations.  

Loadmaster Part Task Trainer

Loadmasters can also train on CAE’s loadmaster part task trainer (LMPTT) which is a free-standing structure designed to replicate the loadmaster station of the aircraft and supports classroom training.