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Electronic Training Records (ETR)

Electronic Training Records (ETR)

The Electronic Training Records solution (ETR) and Mobile Assessment tool allows you to create and manage any type of task analysis or assessment criteria, then generate electronic grade forms and assessments that can be completed online or offline. Completed assessments are stored securely, so that collected data can be analyzed and reported on. With the ETR solution you are able to extract precise statistical evidence to adjust and fine tune your training programs and improve your instructor standardization.

The ETR solution enables you to streamline your training data management process, efficiently manage your AQP / ATQP or other EBT (Evidence Based Training) programs and reduce your overall training management costs.

Traditional assessments such as Line Checks, CRM Forms, Type Rating Assessments and Proficiency Checks can be easily managed and delivered using ETR.

Features include:

  • Efficiently create and manage conventional or AQP/ATQP/EBT training programs
  • Replace paper training records with a fully digital solution
  • Enables instructors and examiners to perform offline and online assessments
  • Provides real time crew performance tracking
  • Enhanced data analysis tools
  • Automatic data delivery to relevant stakeholders
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Electronic Training Records (ETR)
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One comprehensive training solution
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